Custom File Framework
The file framework is split into three separate classes.
- class FileParent
- __init__(self, name: str, path: str, existing: bool = False):
Initialize FileFormatParent class. Creates the basic file structure including JSON metadata holder. If the file already exists it simply returns a reference to that file. To create a file named “ExampleFile” in your downloads directory set the name parameter to name=”ExampleFile and the path to path=”C:\users\username\desktop. The path needs to be structured as shown with double back slashes.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the file parent directory
path (str) – The path to the file parent.
existing (bool) – whether the file already exists
- Returns:
- update_metadata(self, key: str, value: any) None:
Update file JSON metadata with key-value pair
- Parameters:
key (str) – The key of the metadata
value (any) – The value of the metadata. Can be any datatype supported by JSON
- Returns:
- read_metadata(self) dict:
Read JSON metadata from file
- Returns:
The metadata dictionary for the FileParent object
- Return type:
- get_experiment(self, experiment_name: str) 'Experiment':
Get an existing experiment from the FileParent.
- Parameters:
experiment_name (str) – The name of the requested experiment
- Returns:
The requested experiment. None if it does not exist.
- Return type:
Experiment. None if not found.
- delete_file(self) None:
Deletes the entire file. Confirmation required.
- Returns:
- delete_experiment(self, experiment_name: str) None:
Deletes an experiment and all of its datasets from a FileParent. Confirmation Required.
- Parameters:
experiment_name (str) – The name of the experiment
- Returns:
- query_experiments_with_metadata(self, key: str, value: any, regex: bool = False) list['Experiment']:
Query all experiments in the FileParent object based on exact metadata key-value pair or using regular expressions.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The key to be queried
value (any) – The value to be queried. Supply a regular expression if the regex parameter is set to true. Supplying a value of “*” will return all experiments with the key specified in the key parameter.
- Returns:
A list of queried experiments
- Return type:
- class Experiment
- __init__(self, name: str, path: str, file_format_parent: FileParent, existing: bool = False, index: int = 0, experiment: dict = None):
Creates an Experiment object. Do not call this constructor. Please use FileParent.add_experiment() to create a new Experiment object. DO NOT USE.
- update_metadata(self, key: str, value: any) None:
Update the experiment metadata using a new key value pair.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The key of the metadata
value (any) – The value of the metadata. Can be any datatype supported by JSON.
- Returns:
- read_metadata(self) dict:
Reads experiment metadata
- Returns:
The experiment’s metadata dictionary
- Return type:
- add_dataset(self, name: str, data_to_add: np.ndarray, datatype: any) 'Dataset':
Adds a new Dataset to a given Experiment
- Parameters:
name (str) – The desired name of the new dataset
data_to_add (np.ndarray) – The NumPy array of data to be added to the new dataset
- Returns:
The newly created dataset
- Return type:
- get_dataset(self, dataset_name: str) 'Dataset':
Get a dataset from a given experiment.
- Parameters:
dataset_name (str) – The name of the requested dataset
- Returns:
The requested dataset. None if it is not found.
- Return type:
Dataset. None if not found.
- delete_dataset(self, dataset_name: str) None:
Deletes a dataset and all its contents. Confirmation required.
- Parameters:
dataset_name (str) – The name of the dataset to be deleted
- Returns:
- query_datasets_with_metadata(self, key: str, value: any, regex: bool = False) list['Dataset']:
Query all datasets in the Experiment object based on exact metadata key-value pair or using regular expressions.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The key to be queried
value (any) – The value to be queried. Supply a regular expression if the regex parameter is set to true. Supplying a value of “*” will return all experiments with the key specified in the key parameter.
- Returns:
A list of queried datasets
- Return type:
- get_visualization_path(self) str:
Get the path to the visualization directory for the Experiment object.
- Returns:
The visualization path of the experiment
- Return type:
- calculate_snr(self, traces_dataset: str, intermediate_fcn: Callable, *args: any, visualize: bool = False, save_data: bool = False, save_graph: bool = False) np.ndarray:
Integrated signal-to-noise ratio metric.
- Parameters:
traces_dataset (str) – The name of the traces dataset
intermediate_fcn (Callable) – A callback function that determines how the intermediate values for SNR labels are calculated.
*args –
Additonal datasets needed for the parameters of the intermediate_fnc.
visualize (bool) – Whether to visualize the result or not
save_data (bool) – Whether to save the metric result as a new dataset or not
save_graph (bool) – Whether to save the visualization to the experiments visualization folder or not
- Returns:
The SNR metric result
- Return type:
- calculate_t_test(self, fixed_dataset: str, random_dataset: str, visualize: bool = False, save_data: bool = False, save_graph: bool = False) (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
Integrated t-test metric.
- Parameters:
fixed_dataset (str) – The name of the dataset containing the fixed trace set
random_dataset (str) – The name of the dataset containing the random trace set
visualize (bool) – Whether to visualize the result or not
save_data (bool) – Whether to save the metric result as a new dataset or not
save_graph (bool) – Whether to save the visualization to the experiments visualization folder or not
- Returns:
The t-test metric result
- Return type:
- calculate_correlation(self, predicted_dataset_name: str, observed_dataset_name: str, visualize: bool = False, save_data: bool = False, save_graph: bool = False) np.ndarray:
Integrated correlation metric.
- Parameters:
predicted_dataset_name (str) – The name of the dataset containing the predicted leakage
observed_dataset_name (str) – The name of the dataset containing the observed leakage
visualize (bool) – Whether to visualize the result or not
save_data (bool) – Whether to save the metric result as a new dataset or not
save_graph (bool) – Whether to save the visualization to the experiments visualization folder or not
- Returns:
The correlation metric result
- Return type:
- class Dataset
- __init__(self, name: str, path: str, file_format_parent: FileParent, experiment_parent: Experiment, index: int, existing: bool = False, dataset: dict = None):
Creates an Dataset object. Do not call this constructor. Please use Experiment.add_dataset() to create a new Dataset object. DO NOT USE.
- read_data(self, start: int, end: int) np.ndarray:
Read data from the dataset a specific start and end index.
- Parameters:
start (int) – the start index of the data
end (int) – the end index of the data
- Returns:
An NumPy array containing the requested data over the specified interval
- Return type:
- read_all(self) np.ndarray:
Read all data from the dataset
- Returns:
All data contained in the dataset
- Return type:
- add_data(self, data_to_add: np.ndarray, datatype: any) None:
Add data to an existing dataset
- Parameters:
data_to_add (np.ndarray) – The data to be added to the dataset as a NumPy array
datatype (any) – The datatype of the data being added
- Returns:
- update_metadata(self, key: str, value: any) None:
Update the dataset metadata using a new key value pair.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The key of the metadata
value (any) – The value of the metadata. Can be any datatype supported by JSON.
- Returns: