Metric Solver API

This API can be used to compute various different metrics relating to side-channel analysis. These metrics will aid with assessing a systems security and identifying areas of interest in large trace sets. Each metric is a standalone function and requires minimal setup to utilize.

signal_to_noise_ratio(labels: dict, visualize: bool = False, visualization_path: any = None) np.ndarray:

Computes the signal-to-noise ratio of a trace set and associated labels. High magnitudes of the resulting SNR traces indicate cryptographic leakage at that sample.

  • labels (dict) – A Python dictionary where the keys are labels and the values are the associated power traces. The value of labels[L] is a list of power traces, list[trace_0, trace_1, …, trace_N], associated with label L. For example, the label can be the output of the AES Sbox such that L = Sbox[key ^ text].

  • visualize (bool) – Whether to visualize the result

  • visualization_path (any) – The path of where to save the visualization result, does not save if set to None


The SNR of the provided trace set

Return type:



TypeError – if any value in labels.items() is not a np.ndarray or list type


Samuel Karkache (, Trey Marcantonio (

organize_snr_label(traces: np.ndarray, intermediate_fcn: Callable, *args: any) dict:

Organizes label dictionary for SNR metric using a specified intermediate function.

  • traces (np.ndarray) – The trace set to be used in label organization

  • intermediate_fcn (Callable) – A callback function used to generate np array of possible labels. Custom functions can be defined by the user as long as they return an np.ndarray

  • *args

    Additional arguments needed for intermediate_func


The labels dictionary organized

Return type:



Samuel Karkache (, Trey Marcantonio (

unmasked_sbox_output_intermediate(keys: np.ndarray, plaintexts: np.ndarray) np.ndarray:

Unmasked sbox intermediate output for AES. Can be used with the organize_snr_label as the intermediate_fcn

  • keys (np.ndarray) – The set of keys used to calculate sbox output

  • plaintexts (np.ndarray) – The plaintexts used to calculate sbox output


A list containing all intermediate values

Return type:


t_test_tvla(fixed_t: np.ndarray, random_t: np.ndarray, visualize: bool = False, visualization_paths: tuple = None) (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):

Computes the t-statistic and t-max between fixed and random trace sets. T-statistic magnitudes above or below |th| = 4.5 indicate cryptographic vulnerabilities.

  • random_t (np.ndarray) – The random trace set

  • fixed_t (np.ndarray) – The fixed trace set

  • visualize (bool) – Whether to visualize the result

  • visualization_paths (tuple) – The paths to be used to save the t-statistic (first idx) and t-max visualizations (second idx)


The t-statistic at each time sample and t-max at each trace as a tuple of numpy arrays

Return type:

(np.ndarray, np.ndarray)


ValueError – if fixed_t and random_t do not have the same length


Dev Mehta (, Samuel Karkache (

pearson_correlation(predicted_leakage: np.ndarray, observed_leakage: np.ndarray, visualize: bool = False, visualization_path: any = None) np.ndarray:

Computes the correlation between observed power traces and predicted power leakage corresponding to a key guess. The correlation when the predicted power leakage is modeled using the correct key guess has a relatively high magnitude.

  • predicted_leakage (np.ndarray) – predicted power consumption generated by a leakage model

  • observed_leakage (np.ndarray) – actual power traces collected from the cryptographic target

  • visualize (bool) – Whether to visualize the result

  • visualization_path (any) – The path of where to save the visualization result, does not save if set to None


The correlation trace corresponding to the predicted leakage

Return type:



ValueError – if the predicted power leakage and the observed power leakage do not have the same length


Samuel Karkache (

score_and_rank(key_candidates: Iterable, target_byte: int, traces: list | np.ndarray, score_fcn: Callable, *args: any) np.ndarray:

Scores and ranks a set of key candidates based on how likely they are to be the actual key.

  • key_candidates (np.ndarray) – List of key possible key candidates. For a one-byte subkey it would be [0, 1, …, 255].

  • target_byte (int) – The byte of the full key that you are targeting. Ignore and set to 0 if your scoring function does not need it.

  • traces (numpy.ndarray) – The set of power traces that will be used for scoring

  • multi_threaded (bool) – Whether to multithread the operator or not

  • score_fcn (Callable) – Callback to the scoring function used to score each key candidate. The score with correlation scoring function is pre-defined and can be used. NOTE: User defined scoring functions must be in the form score_fcn(traces, key_guess, target_byte, …) to work with this metric. Your scoring function does not need to use all the required arguments, but they must be present as shown.

  • args (Any) – Additional arguments for the scoring function supplied in score_fcn. For example, the predefined score with correlation function requires plaintexts and a leakage model callback as additional arguments.


An numpy array of sorted tuples containing the key candidates and corresponding scores. For example, assuming that numpy array ranks was returned from the metric, ranks[0][0] is the highest ranked key candidate and ranks[0][1] is the score of the highest ranked key candidate.

Return type:



Samuel Karkache (, Amit Virchandbhai Prajapati (

score_with_correlation(traces: list | np.ndarray, key_guess: any, target_byte: int, plaintexts: list | np.ndarray, leakage_model: Callable) Number:

Scoring function that assigns a key guess a score based on the max value of the pearson correlation.

  • traces (list | np.ndarray) – The collected power traces

  • key_guess (any) – The key guess

  • target_byte (int) – The target byte of the key

  • plaintexts (list | np.ndarray) – The plaintexts used during trace capture

  • leakage_model (Callable) – The leakage model function. The hamming weight and hamming distance leakage model function are pre-defined in this library.


The score of the key guess

Return type:



Samuel Karkache (

success_rate_guessing_entropy(correct_keys: list | np.ndarray, experiment_ranks: list | np.ndarray, order: int, num_experiments: int) (Number, Number):

Computes the success rate and guessing entropy based on computed key ranks.

  • correct_keys (list | np.ndarray) – an array of the correct keys of the given experiment

  • experiment_ranks (list | np.ndarray) – The ranks of a given key guess for all experiments conducted

  • order (int) – If a key is within the number specified by the order ranks, then it will count towards the success rate

  • num_experiments (int) – The number of experiments conducted


The values of success_rate and guessing_entropy for the given number of experiments

Return type:

(Number, Number)


Samuel Karkache (swkarkache@wpi)