Lecroy Oscilloscope Interface
- class LecroyScope
- __init__(self, scope_ip='TCPIP0::'):
Create a LecroyScope object
- Parameters:
scope_ip – The IP of the scope that you want to connect to
- __del__(self):
Close the scope on object deletion.
- Returns:
- open(self, scope_ip, scope_timeout=5000):
Opens a Lecroy scope using the PyVisa library
- Parameters:
scope_ip – The ip of the Lecroy scope
scope_timeout – The amount of time to wait for the Lecroy until timeout
- Returns:
- close(self):
Closes the Lecroy scope using the PyVisa library
- Returns:
- setup(self, v_div, timebase, samplerate, duration, v_offset, channel):
Sets up the Lecroy scope for trace capture
- Parameters:
v_div – voltage scale per division
timebase – the timescale for the scope
samplerate – the rate in which measurements are sampled
duration – the duration of capture
v_offset – the voltage offset for the measurement
channel – the channel to capture the traces on
- Returns:
- set_trigger(self, delay, level, channel='C1'):
Set the trigger for the trace capture
- Parameters:
delay – the trigger delay
level – the trigger level
channel – the trigger channel
- Returns:
- start_trigger(self)
Tells the LecroyScope to start the trigger based on the parameters set in LecroyScope.set_trigger
- get_trigger(self):
Returns the trigger status
- Returns:
A string representing the trigger status
- wait_for_trigger(self):
Waits for the Lecroy trigger
- Returns:
True if successful, False if the trigger timeout
- get_channel(self, samples, short, channel='C3'):
Get the measurement data from the Lecroy from specified channel
- Parameters:
samples – The number of samples to record
channel – The channel to collect data from
- Returns:
The data from the scope
- reset(self):
Resets the scope
- scope_setup(channel='C3', trig_channel='C1', num_of_samples=200, sample_rate=500E6, short=False, v_div=2.5E-3, trg_delay="0", trg_level="1.65V", v_offset='0'):
Higher level setup function. Sets up a Lecroy Scope object for power trace collection.
- Parameters:
channel – the channel that records power trace measurements
trig_channel – the trigger channel
num_of_samples – the number of samples to capture
sample_rate – the rate in which samples are captured
v_div – the voltage scale per division
trg_delay – the trigger delay
trg_level – the trigger level
v_offset – the voltage offset
- Returns:
the fully configured scope object
- dut_setup(board='CW305', fpga_id='100t', bitfile=None)
Sets up a target board for trace capture :param board: The DUT type (CW305 or pico) :param fpga_id: the FPGA id for CW305 target :param bitfile: the bitfile for CW305 target :return: The configured target
- capture_cw305(scope, target, num_of_samples=600, short=False, channel='C3', plaintext=None, key=None):
Captures traces on the CW305 target board
- Parameters:
scope – The configured LecroyScope object
target – The configured CW305 target board
num_of_samples – The number of samples to capture
channel – The channel to collect traces on
plaintext – The plaintext for the encryption algorithm
key – The key for the encryption algorithm
- Returns:
the recorded trace and algorithm output